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Cryotherapy, also know as Cryosurgery is a commonly used in clinic procedure for the treatment of a variety of benign and malignant lesions. Dermatologist have used cryotherapy since the turn of the century. 
Blemishes are no longer being treated by the NHS
The CryoPen uses liquefied nitrous noxide (N20) to deliver quick, effective Cryotherapy treatment to all benign skin imperfections including (but not limited to) skin tags, warts, freckles, age spots, milia, fibroma, seborrheic karatosis, solar tentigo, cherry angiomas and verrucas.

How Does Cryotherapy Work?
The device destroys the tissue by freezing the inter-cellular fluid, forming ice shards and crystals which rupture the membrane, thereby destroying the cell. That means there will be no damage to healthy surrounding tissue. It’s so incredibly accurate and practical. With the cryopen you can have this is your lunch break and go straight back to work, with no downtime and no follow up appointment to dress any wounds.

This procedure is ideal for:
> Skin tags> Warts> Moles> Milia> Cherry Angiomas> Age Spots> Pigmentation Spots > Verrucas> Liver Spots

  • How long do CryoPen treatments take?

    Treatments take between 10 seconds and 5 minutes, may take longer in regards amount of treating lesions

  • What's aftercare?

    Gently cleanse around the area and pat dry with a clean tissue/towel

  • What to expect after the procedure?

    The treatment area may appear darker after your session. Any scabs or crusting which forms may take anywhere from 10-30 days to drop off. If the treatment area is below the neck, this can take up to 6 weeks.

  • Does the procedure painful?

    usually report minimal discomfort during the procedure, describing the feeling as having a pen pressed against the skin. This discomfort only last a few seconds or minutes. A mild stringing may follow the procedure. 

  • Are there any side affects?

    The area treated may become temporarily red or blistered. A scrab may form in the days following the procedure, however this will fall off from 10 - 30 days. It is important not to pick at the scab as this can lead to scarring.  

  • How long do results last?

    After one or two treatments, results are permanent. If a skin lesion returns, it's possible that you are prone to their development in a specific area. 

  • How much this treatment cost?

    Single blemish size up to 5mm, cost £59* > 2 lesions £100> 3 lesions £150 > 4 lesions £165> 5 lesions £180then each additional £15* any larger blemishes please contact our clinic for prices via email at ku.oc.nuserup%40ofni (FAO Kathy - Martin)

  • How to book a appointment?

    Here is the link to our online booking system 24/7 : BOOKING ONLINE 24/7