+44 23 9286 1112


Covid - 19

Good news! Our beauty salon & laser clinic remain open.
To all our amazing clients during the Covid-19 time, first I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has reached out to us with their warm wishes.
"Working safely during coronavirus"

Since 23 March 2020, the salon has been closed and the team have been furloughed. As the manager I quickly realised after the first few weeks of covid-19 that it was going to be months before we could re-open, and I want to assure you I have put this time to great use, which soon I’m very exciting to introduce our new latest and famous technologies and other salon improvements.
Since we re-opened, the number of people allowed in the salon has been limited, however we will try to ensure we get you all in as quickly and as near to the time that suits you best as possible.
We want to reassure you that we will be taking every step to ensure the team and our clients will be safe in the salon and will be following Government guidelines and even use more precautions as possible!
- our staff members will wear a medical grade face covering and visor. - you must wear a face covering on arrival, unless you are medically exempt - please attend for the treatment alone and not earlier than 10minutes before treatment- if you feel unwell (2-week period prior to the appointment day), please contact us immediately as we will need to cancel that slot (if you are experiencing cough, a high temperature and/or a change in their normal sense of smell or taste- you will be asked to sanitise your hands before and after the appointment,- your body temperature will be checked on arrival- you will be asked to pay £2 per person, as the extra PPE protection inside your beauty room due to Covid 19 pandemic

More than anything, we want to say Thank YOU for your support and thank you in advance for your continued support.
Martin x
Salon Manager 
